Monday, 10 September 2012

Hardanger Interpretation

This is a piece I designed following research on textiles from other cultures. I was really intrigued by the pure white precise nature of the classic hardanger embroideries from Norway. I decided to experiment with colour and texture, while staying true to the ethos behind hardanger embroidery, that of arrangements of squares. I chose a mix of variegated threads and ribbons then painted the background canvas in toning colours. I then worked into the piece using knitting, crochet and traditional hardanger embroidery techniques to give it a contemporary twist.


  1. Hi Miriam, I have just been enjoying reading my way through your posts, I found your blog via Tag Tuesday, this post coaught my eye as it took me right back to my time at college when I was studying City and Gilds embroidery. I recall the teacher handing me a small book on canvas work, saying I had to sit and work with this a while, do some exploring etc. I wasnt happy, counted stitch work is not my choice I like to go where the thread takes me...I have to say I had to eat my words,I found it one of the most enjoyable exercises and went on to do 3 more pieces. Yours is great :) good luck with your course!

    1. Hi Yvonne, thank you so much for your comment, I think it was the precision and the forced limitations of hardanger that appealed to me, it became almost addictive! Thank you for your good wishes :-)

  2. Hi Miriam,
    I'm enjoying following your blog. Which course are you enrolled in with OCA? I'm about to start Textiles 1: Crreating Ideas.

    1. Hi Claire, I am glad you are liking the blog, I honestly am not very comfortable with blogging, but am trying! I completed and was assessed for Creative Approach earlier this year and am now enrolled on Exploring Ideas and Watercolour Practice, overall I am on the degree pathway for Textiles with the OCA. Did you know there is a facebook page for Textiles OCA students? All the best with your course :-)
